Childress Regional Medical Center hospital front entrance.
About Us
Childress Regional Medical Center is a 39 bed hospital operated by a county hospital district, governed by an elected board of directors and licensed by the state of Texas. Since the hospital district was created in 1965, hospital leaders have steadfastly focused on meeting current and long-term healthcare needs of county residents. Medical and hospital staff members adhere to the principle that doing what is best for patients will ensure good outcomes and a strong hospital.
Board of Directors
CRMC is governed by 7 directors elected by the voters of Childress County. Directors serve 2 year terms. The current Board of Directors includes the following:

Howard Head, DVM - Chairman

Larry Johnson - Vice Chairman

Debra Favor - Secretary

John Inman

Reagan Garrison

James Driver

Brian Pierce
CRMC Board Meetings will be held monthly on the 4th Tuesday at 12:00 pm in the board room. Childress Regional Medical Center complies with the Texas Open Meeting Act.